This netletter came about because two partners at my firm, Cynthia Kuehl and Jasmine Akbarali, decided that Lerners LLP should have a dedicated appellate practice group. As part of the concept of having a dedicated appellate group, this netletter was born, to allow the “appeal geeks” of our practice group to communicate with others who had similar interests or who just wanted to stay abreast of recent, important decisions from the Court of Appeal. Thanks to the work of Cynthia and Jasmine, our practice group has been a success and this netletter remains an important aspect of what we do.
For three years, I have had the pleasure of editing this netletter. Unfortunately, this is the last one that I will edit. However, I cease as an editor knowing that this netletter is in good hands. Stuart Zacharias will take over from me for our September netletter, which is our next netletter, as we do not do one in August.
As if it knew that this would be my last netletter as editor, the Court of Appeal did not let me down and released several interesting and important decisions in June, some of which will likely be considered the Court's most important and notable decisions of the year. Among the decisions summarized in this netletter is the Court of Appeal's decision on Trinity Western University's attempt to overturn the Law Society's refusal to accredit the university's proposed law school. Also summarized is the Court of Appeal's decision in the Groia case, which is an extremely important decision dealing with professional misconduct, and particularly civility, in the legal profession.
This month's netletter authors, Peter Kryworuk and Yola Ventresca, also provide their top five Canadian athletes to watch at this summer's Olympic Games. I hope we all get a chance to enjoy these Olympics and that they represent, as they are supposed to, a bringing together of the people of this planet.
Brian Radnoff
Editor and Chair, Appellate Practice Group