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How Can We Help? We’ll be happy to match you to the right qualified Lerners Lawyer.

Dispute Resolution and Advocacy Areas of Focusin Toronto, London, Strathroy & Kitchener-Waterloo


Our defamation lawyers help clients navigate the often complex laws that balance "protection of reputation" with "freedom of speech".

If someone has damaged your reputation through publication of derogatory remarks, whether spoken (slander), or written/broadcast (libel), our primary focus is on restoring our clients' reputation as much and as quickly as possible; e.g., through prompt and proper complaints, and/or requests for publication of appropriate retractions and apologies tailored to the situation. Where a reputation cannot be fully restored, we take all necessary action to pursue claims for proper monetary compensation and, in appropriate cases, injunctions to stop the defamation and/or make sure it does not happen again.

If you are targeted with a defamation complaint because of something you have said or written, we can provide you with prompt and timely advice as to whether your remarks are defensible; e.g., because they were substantially true, honest comment on a matter of public interest, or made in protected ("privileged") circumstances that afford some immunity from litigation. If they are, we take all appropriate steps to defend any complaints or claims against you. If they are not, or you perhaps have a greater interest in voluntarily working to mend a relationship, we can help with working out a suitable apology or other measures to address and resolve the situation.

Whatever the nature of the defamation dispute, we have the experience to see you through to the other side.