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Lerners LLP Releases the Third Edition of Examinations, an Appellate Review and Forecast for 2022

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Lerners LLP Releases the Third Edition of Examinations, an Appellate Review and Forecast for 2022

Throughout the year, we witnessed a number of civil decisions released by the appellate courts in this country that grappled with deeply systemic issues, many of which are to be re-visited by our highest court. We also saw many meaningful changes in appellate practice, procedure and personnel, perhaps most significant of which was the retirement of the Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella, the first Jewish woman appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”), and the subsequent appointment of the Honourable Justice Mahmud Jamal, the first racialized person to sit on the bench.

In an effort to explore the decisions and developments over the year that was, and contemplate what might lie ahead in the year that will be, the Lerners Appellate Advocacy Group is proud to announce the release of the third edition of Examinations, our annual review of the state of appellate law.

About Lerners’ Appellate Advocacy Group

At Lerners, we know that the Canadian appellate landscape is ever-changing. We are passionate about the unique nature of appeals and our lawyers have the battle-tested specialized knowledge and experience with the appeal process and appellate courts that delivers results.

We represent a broad range of clients and have argued a wide variety of appeals in insurance law, family law, tort law, class actions, commercial law and municipal law as well as questions of constitutionality. We regularly appear before the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Supreme Court of Canada and have been involved in some of the most involved in some of the leading appeals in Canadian jurisprudence.

For more information, visit our website, and join us on twitter @LernersAppeals every #LernersAppealWednesday to stay abreast of the latest developments in Canadian appellate law.

To arrange an interview with one of our lawyers or for more information, please contact:

Natalee Davis
Director of Marketing and Firm & Community Engagement
Lerners LLP