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Cherniak: Groia case 'among most rewarding' of career
A nine-year legal battle that concluded with the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) overturning a finding of professional misconduct against Ontario lawyer Joe Groia is not just a significant victory for advocates and the public alike, but according to his counsel, Earl Cherniak, the case ranks among the most memorable and worthwhile of his career.
“What was special about this case was that there was a huge public interest issue involved that’s of significance not only to lawyers, but I think more importantly, to the public that we represent — because whatever we say in court isn’t done for our own benefit, it’s done for the clients that we represent. What’s very satisfying about a case like this, what makes it so interesting to work on, is that it’s about real issues, it’s not about money,” Cherniak, partner with Lerners LLP, tells AdvocateDaily.com.
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